Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Modern day virtuous Lady

  Who is a Modern day virtuous lady? 

A virtuous lady is a Godly woman, She's someone that has the fear of God in her, She is obedient and submissive to God, She's a woman of value. She's a proverbs 31 woman. 
How can I be a Virtuous lady?
Here are some quotes that can really help the young ladies on how to be a modern day virtuous woman of God:

She's not only clothed with strength and dignity, 
Whenever she talks everyone listens because she talks with wisdom,
Knowledge and Understanding.

She knows she doesn't have to go naked to prove that she's beautiful
Or sexy, She knows that true beauty is from within and she can look 
beautiful and sexy all covered up.
She's a Woman of virtue.

She's a Woman of the Word! 
She meditates on the Word of God day and night.

She's a prayer warrior!
 she faces the future with confidence In her.

She obey's God's rules.

She's fearless

She's hard working,Productive,Godly,Wise,loving
Blessed, generous, strong etc. Name it all.

Her heart should be so rooted in God that if any man wants her for a wife,
He would have to seek God's help before getting her as a wife for She's a priceless 
and precious jewel.

She knows that her heavenly Father is the King of the Universe
She calls Him Father and He calls her Daughter!

Whenever trials and temptation comes, Instead of worrying, she thinks of the future and laugh at it.( James 1 vs 2-12)
Instead of falling, she wears the full armor of God( ephesians 6 vs 11-18)
She stands strong till the end.

She's a giver, She gives to the needy. Her hands are open to the poor.

She prays for her future Kids

She waits and prays for her future husband.

She's a Child of Light
A Blessed daughter of Zion!
Anytime she shares the word of God people are blessed! She wins souls for Christ(Mark 16 vs 15-18) She knows there's power in the word of God and she's willing to preach His word everytime. She believes that Jesus is Lord and The greater one resides in her( The holy spirit)(1 John 4 vs 4)

She knows her worth, she knows she doesn't have to mess around to get what she wants cause her heavenly Father is her comforter and provider and she puts her trust in God to lead her to the right man that will take her to the altar before having sex!


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